
Standardization of Data Types in Brightspace Data Sets Documentation

Brightspace Community, August 2020

An outline of planned changes to Brightspace Data Sets documentation.

How to run Express.js apps with Netlify Functions

Netlify, September 2018

How to host an Express.js application on Netlify using AWS Lambda functions. Repost of Express.js on Netlify.

Brightspace Data Sets – Factors That Shape Your Data

Brightspace Community, September 2017

Exploring the factors that make each institution's data unique, and how that impacts Brightspace Data Sets.

Brightspace Data Sets - Headless Application Example

Brightspace Community, July 2017 - September 2017

A series of three articles outlining how to programmatically keep a database up-to-date using the CSV files provided by D2L's Brightspace Data Sets.

How To Get Started With OAuth 2.0

Brightspace Community, September 2016

A code walkthrough of a sample application that utilizes the OAuth 2.0 authorization grant flow to access D2L's Brightspace APIs.


Developer-Driven Testing: Why the Developer Should Be the Primary Tester

D2L InFUSION, November 2024

A presentation on why developers should be the ones primarily testing their changes, not testers.

Don't Unlock the Darkest Timeline: Choose New Technologies Mindfully

D2L InFUSION, November 2024

A short 5-minute reflection on Choose Boring Technology by Dan McKinley.

Elevating Your Pull Requests

D2L InFUSION, November 2023

Guidelines for improving the code review experience as a pull request author.

Desire2Lerna: A Node.js Monorepo Retrospective

D2L InFUSION, November 2021

A retrospective on creating a Node.js monorepo.

Improving the D2L GitHub Onboarding Experience (and more!)

D2L InFUSION, November 2020

An overview of how the new GitHub onboarding tool came to be, including the problems it solved, the technology used and why these technologies were chosen, and the rollout plan that minimized disruptions to developers.

Strategies for Getting Consensus When You Disagree on a Code Change

D2L InFUSION, November 2020

Exploring strategies attendees can employ when they encounter disagreements during a code change in their day-to-day work.

If You Liked It Then You Should Have Git Committed It

D2L LearningBytes, July 2020

A presentation where I showed how hard it is to lose your code changes once you have git committed it.

Introducing Three-Legged OAuth

D2L InFUSION, November 2016

An introduction to the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant for accessing Brightspace APIs.


Capture the Flag: Hacking Insecure GitHub Actions

D2L InFUSION, November 2021, November 2022

Week-long capture the flag session where participants are given limited control to various GitHub repositories with insecure GitHub Action workflows. Participants are tasked with exploiting vulnerabilities to gain elevated control of these repositories.

Small Commits in Practice: A Hands-on Workshop

D2L InFUSION, November 2018

Two-part workshop on practicing how to make smaller and safer code changes. First half focuses on breaking down a large commit into smaller, safer commits while the latter half focuses on how to approach a problem via small commits.

Building Your First Serverless Framework App

D2L InFUSION, November 2017, November 2018

A hands-on workshop for getting started with the Serverless Framework.